Thursday 25 January 2018

Artificial intelligence replacing traditional classrooms

At college or the university level, much of classroom instruction is provided by a lecturer standing in front of a group of students and delivering a monologue, while the students dutifully record essential parts of the information presented.
Research and personal experience indicate that very little of the information delivered by the instructor is retained by the student when the student plays a passive role. Computer technology offers some hope of changing traditional classroom instructional techniques.
The college instructor of the future will certainly have more technology, available for use in the classroom. However, the decision to utilize instructional technology should be based on sound principles.
Our human values, needs, or problems often determine what questions scientists investigate and what problems #engineers tackle. Meanwhile the technologies that are the products of science and engineering influence society and change human culture (just think of the impacts of cars and cell phones!).
With technological advancements and trends, boring lecturers and long lecture classes will be a thing of the past. Think of it this way, IT gurus developing software that teaches you a whole syllabus, at your convenience and with practical demonstrations.
The market has a handful of simulation software that is quickly substituting the need for classroom lectures. One such software is DemosCAD.
This software is a simulation of #AutoCAD from #Autodesk. It teaches engineering students how to use AutoCAD. Based on feedback from engineering students that have used this software, this is the next big thing in the engineering world.
DemosCAD has also been used by industry professionals in architecture, mechanical and electrical engineering among others to improve their skill of design using AutoCAD.
The amazing bit about #DemosCAD is that you can access the software anywhere by just clicking a tool! So whether you are in traffic or stuck in one of those long bank queues, just click a tool and carry on with your lessons.
This is the next facade of artificial intelligence. Thank you #TeamSkyTOP

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