Tuesday 11 November 2014

Men facing extinction!? My thoughts

I know ya ll ladies will feel me on this, and I know ya ll men will deny but just stop and think about.
it does not apply to everyone, and its not gospel truth but I can BET a lot of you can relate THE EXTINCTION oF MeN Don't say I didn't warn you!
In the study of nature and its evolution, the animals that ended up being extinct were the ones that were unable to adapt to changes happening in their environment, or were unable to shift to areas that could harbor their existence: Google the history of dinosaurs!!
Well.....I foresee another species getting extinct and its also for the above same reasons.
Point to note here, am not an advocate for this whole women independence CR**!
I am the Chief advocate for women being treated with dignity and respect but I draw the line when it comes to women playing men's roles!
I might change my mind when men start playing women's roles.....ummmm!! on second thought, no I WONT! It might nit be a good idea!!
Men should be men and women-women, and we should help each other with our roles because society has changed since the days of our forefathers and hence we need to adapt.
That said, I beg to ask, WHERE DID ALL THE MEN GO?
Men, there were warning signs of attack to your existence that you should have noted and stepped up your game to.
Warning signs included;
when women began wearing trousers,
when women started doing office jobs,
when women became managers in the office jobs,
when women began hiring for office jobs,
 when women began chasing/pursuing men,
 when women began chamas,
 when women began activist groups to talk about how useless men are,
 When women gave up and started seeing each other!
 when the first vibrator was created !!
warning warning warning! One of you should have said 'wait a minute, do you see what I see?' But you all chose to ignore the warning signs. And to make things worse, you continued to deteriorate.
 I miss the days when men were men! I miss the days;
when men would call girls on their parent's landline number because there were no cell phones
 when men would queue at the telephone booths with 5sh coins to call their ladies for 10minutes!
 when the men would make a date and pick her up from home, instead of saying 'lets meet there!'
 when men would actually make an effort and dress up when taking ladies out,
 when men would call to apologise after an argument on phone 5 minutes later,
 when men would stay and talk things out instead of walking away after a fight,
 when men would be patient with ladies and not expect sex on the second date!
 when men would chase after the girl they loved even if it took months, instead of running to the next available skirt,
 when men would marry women of substance and not just a pretty face, fake boobs and long curly weaves.....then go ahead and have affairs with the ones they should have married in the 1st place!
 when men would not expect their girls to work the same job as they do during the day, get home and be househelps/cooks/cleaners for them, then their sex toy before bed, and still expect her to meet half the bills at the end of the month, and carry their babies while still doing all the above chores.... OMG, no wonder they are getting extinct.
If I were a woman, and I had a well paying job, a few investments, a beautiful home, a sexy ride, a fantastic support structure of friends and family, and even say a beautiful child, then the only reason i need a man is for love.
So if my man cannot show me the love I need, cannot treat me like a lady, then why would I want to be with one???
No wonder all these successful women have kitchen totos for boyfriends, no wonder vibrators are on such high demand, no wonder women are so angry!
If I were a man, I would recognize the threat and adapt, by learning all I needed to make a woman happy.
After all be smart enough to know that once your woman is happy, you can have everything you want! EVERYTHING! ....But as a man I don't think I would not be smart enough to think like that!
Hence tick-tock, tick-tock, the clock to extinction continues ticking!
Oh well....my honest opinion...

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