Monday 21 July 2014

How to be a remarkable person

Don’t be just original… be Remarkable! What I think makes someone truly remarkable!
The next list is my own opinion and ways of being a remarkable human being in life. You see it has always been a dream of mine to be someone who leaves a mark in history, and for some it may seem a little far-fetched, but I believe that I can. So the following is what I try to live by.
Be Authentic
This is not a very common thing these days believe it or not. When it is there it will simply shine and show through your words and actions and can be something truly powerful for building connections and bonds with people around you.
Live your Life your way
To be honest there is nothing special or remarkable about someone who is trying to fit in and be like other people. Be yourself and be the best that you can be.
Help Others around You without Wanting Anything Back
Take time out to help the people around you. Give some of your time, money, and resources and love to help people and expect nothing in return.
Don’t Try to Be Mr or Miss Perfect
Try to be creative and be abstract rather than trying to live up to other people’s expectation. You can achieve and find great and beautiful things without what people expect from you and living up to some consensus of being perfect.
Face Your Fears
People who run away and avoid things in their lives will never become remarkable. Get the courage to face your fears and conquer them.
Come up with your own Quotes and Sayings
Come up with your own quirky and original sayings. People will take notice and it may even catch on. By coming up with your own original sayings you stand out from everyone else who just uses clichés.
Question the normality around you
Just because something is done by everyone else in the world in a particular way does not always mean that it is the only way or the right way of doing things. Question the norm and don’t be afraid to do something differently.
Take a leap of faith
Be the person who does the things that others don’t. If they are too scared to do something but yet you feel that you aren’t scared yourself to do it, then just go out and do it with all your love, energy and passion.
Learn to say NO
If someone or something goes against your principles and thoughts and you aren’t up for doing thing then there is no harm in saying the word “NO”. Yes you might end up offending some people, but the majority will end up having more respect for you for having your boundaries and sticking to them.
Be a Leader
Don’t be a follower… be a leader! Build up a group of like-minded individuals who will follow you and use your power and strength to make a positive change in the world.
Be Optimistic
Optimism and smiles are contagious. Make the world a happy and positive place
Be confident
Know what you want and be confident that you are going to get it. I think that all remarkable people share the trait of confidence.
Be Humble
Arrogance and vanity are not traits to associate with people you respect and think highly of. No matter how good, famous or wealthy you are, stay humble with both feet on the ground.
You Are Enough
Have the mind-set that you have all the assets to be remarkable. You have talent and you have a gift. Share it with the world.
Create something that brings joy to the world
Be artistic and express your talent in a form that it can be shared with everyone without the expectation of getting rich from it. It’s your gift to the world.
Invent something that everyone needs
There could be one little thing that seems so simple yet will make the lives of millions of people so much easier.
Push the limits
If you can do something that nobody else has been able to achieve, then you will not only get noticed but you will certainly be remarkable. You may just be the psychological inspiration for many others to get past the level that was always thought of as unbreakable.
Think Better
Be a step ahead of everyone else. Think faster, better or more efficiently.
Read More Interesting Things
The more you read, the more you shape your personality. The more interesting things that you read, the more likely you are to become an interesting and remarkable person.
Don’t Be Boring
One requirement of being remarkable is that you are not boring. Be original, fun and get things done.
Stop Making Excuses
Either do something or don’t do it at all. Don’t be someone who always has excuses to stall doing something or justify why you didn’t do something.
Never Settle for Average
Never be content with average or mediocrity. When other people give up and settle, carry on going and be better than them.
Do What You Say
If people can rely on you and they know that when you say something that you will do it, you are well on your way to being remarkable. If you make a promise, keep it.
Don’t Aim to Be Remarkable
As contradictory as it sounds, most remarkable people never set out to be remarkable. They did what they loved and were really passionate and that is what got them to being remarkable

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