Wednesday 24 April 2019

Respect to construction workers

I have such deep and profound respect for guys who work in construction sites. Those guys carrying mortar and blocks up and down endless staircases that don't even have banisters.

The guys that report to work 6.00am and leave at 8.00pm, the guys that are paid Kshs.25 or less per every hour worked, those guys who have to stand being yelled at and reprimanded for the tiniest bits.

The guys who barely make it a week without something damaged being deducted from their wages, the guys who have a wife and kids to educate in some community run CBO somewhere in Mukuru kwa Njenga & the poorly patched-up cartons of Soweto.

The guys that quit learning how to dress well but found comfort in Gikomba and the streets of Kawangware, those guys who are content in one pair of battered shoes because other people and priorities come before their own, those guys who struggle to keep up with the ever increasing financial demands of today's society but can still remain optimistic for a better tomorrow.

Those guys to whom unga and kerosene rising by shs.1 can mean him sacrificing his meal for his kids to have enough, the guys who are so far that NSSF & NHIF remains a dream to them, those guys who never complain and still go home every evening and find hope in the eyes and dreams of their children...,

Those are the guys I'd stop what I'm doing and take a bow for.

It's NEVER what you do to put food on the table that matters, it's your attitude towards it.
May God SO RICHLY bless these men

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